Friday, 15 June 2012

100 Word Review - #E7 - Braid

Why would someone bring a red tie to this?

Genre - Strategy, Indie, Casual

Metascore - 90%

Developer - Number None

Other Games by Developer - N/A

Edgar's Playtime - 4.1 hours

Braid is a rather unique game. Behind an apparently simplistic platformer is a thoughtful adventure with an adult theme (not erotic, you perverts) and full of never before tried game mechanics. Each of the six levels has several sublevels with puzzle pieces to fetch, a piece of history to tell and a new perk to learn (like rewinding and stopping time) that must be used to successfully complete each level. Some see this as a masterpiece, and I can see why, but by the time you get to the final puzzles, they start to get a bit too challenging.

Edgar's Score - 7/10

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